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S547 Shift Forks

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Ford ZF S5-42 Shift Fork Roll Pin - 5 Speed 631329069 Repair Part | Allstate Gear ZF Shift Fork Roll Pin, ZF542-89

ZF S5-42 S5-47 Fork Roll Pin
ZF S6-650 S6-750 Outer Fork Roll Pin

Our Price: $5.91

ZF S5-42 S5-47 S6-650 Shift Fork, ZF42-23B - Ford Transmission Parts | Allstate Gear ZF S5-42 S5-47 S6-650 Shift Fork, ZF42-23B

ZF S5-42 S5-47 S6-650 Shift Fork, ZF42-23B
Fits Ford F250 / F350 / F450, 3/4 and 1 ton Pickups

Our Price: $42.95

ZF S5-42 S5-47 3-4 Fork ZF42-23A - ZF S542 5 Speed Ford Repair Part | Allstate Gear ZF S5-42 S5-47 3-4 Fork, ZF42-23A

ZF S5-42, S5-47 3-4 Fork, ZF42-23A
Fits Ford F250 / F350 / F450, 3/4 and 1 ton Pickups

Our Price: $45.50

ZF S5-42 S5-47 1-2 Fork ZF42-23 - ZF S542 5 Speed Ford Repair Part | Allstate Gear ZF S5-42, S5-47 1-2 Fork, ZF42-23

ZF S5-42, S5-47 1-2 Fork, ZF42-23
Fits Ford F250 / F350 / F450, 3/4 and 1 ton Pickups

Our Price: $81.95

S547 Shift Forks